Have you ever wondered why your home seems dustier than your neighbor’s, or why your allergies flare up indoors? The answer might lie in your air filtration system. Just like guardians protecting a castle, air filters, and purifiers work tirelessly to defend your home’s air quality, safeguarding your health and comfort. In honor of National Care About Your Indoor Air month, we are going to look at filters and the work they do to keep us healthy.
The Filter First Line of Defense:
The most common type of filter is the HVAC air filter. This sits within your heating and cooling system, trapping dust, pollen, and other large airborne particles before they circulate throughout your home. Depending on your filter type, you’ll need to replace it regularly, typically every 1-3 months, to maintain optimal performance.
Beyond the Basics: Air Purifiers Take Over:
If you suffer from allergies or simply want an extra layer of protection, an air purifier can be a game-changer. These devices go beyond basic filters, capturing even smaller particles like smoke, pet dander, and even bacteria and viruses. Some purifiers also use features like HEPA filters and activated carbon to tackle specific concerns like allergens and odors.
Choosing the Right Guardian:
When selecting an air filter, consider factors like your allergy needs, home size, and budget. HEPA filters offer the highest level of filtration but may require more frequent replacement. Or you may consider a whole-home air scrubber to take air filtration to the next level. Any of our Quigley techs can help you choose the best option for your home.
Benefits for Everyone:
Whether you have allergies or not, clean air is essential for everyone’s health. By investing in proper filtration and purification, you can:
- Reduce allergy and asthma symptoms
- Improve respiratory health
- Minimize exposure to harmful pollutants
- Create a cleaner and more comfortable living environment
Let Quigley help you find the solution for optimum clear air in your home by scheduling a service call today. Have your entire HVQC system inspected and make sure you are ready for the pollen invasion that comes with the warmer weather. Keep your home clean, cool, and comfortable all year round and enjoy discounts and priority scheduling by becoming a Q Club member.