Capacitors are simply one of the many parts that keep your AC running. Your AC capacitor is a cylinder shaped battery responsible for releasing energy to places such as the compressor. AC capacitors are among one of the most commonly replaced AC parts. Being an integral part of the system, when the capacitor begins to fail the rest of the AC is prone to degrading. Luckily, catching a bad capacitor is usually fairly simple.
One of the sure signs of needing to replace a capacitor is changing shape. The flat top of their cylinder shape domes outward when they have degraded. Near the top you may also spot oil leaks which are a sign that the capacitor is not likely to last much longer. Other symptoms of a bad capacitor include humming noises, a lack of cold air, and trouble turning and staying on.
Now that you know how to spot a bad capacitor you may feel ready to learn how to replace one. The fact is however, that capacitors can be very dangerous. Even when inspecting one, you should be precautious. Capacitors are high-voltage devices that may be harmful even when your AC unit isn’t on.
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